Cover for Loula and Mister the Monster

Loula and Mister the Monster

By Anne Villeneuve

Loula panics when she overhears Mama saying, “I can’t live with that…that MONSTER anymore!” She knows Mama must be talking about Mister, Loula’s beloved dog, who can be “a little too messy, a little too clumsy and a little too hungry…a LOT of the time.” Loula tells Mister, “If you don’t stop with the bad manners, Mama will throw you out, like an old pair of shoes!” And what would Loula do without Mister? She’s just going to have to find a way to transform Mister the monster “into the most perfect little dog no mama can resist.” But will lessons at Loula’s School of Good Manners be enough? Or will the job prove to be too big, even for Loula?

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